Grandparents sometimes struggle to remain active participants in their grandchildren’s lives. Divorce, separation or other complications in their parents’ relationship can create a split between a young person and their grandparents. When grandparents are alienated from their grandchildren, the younger generation can lose an important advantage. Science has confirmed that grandparents are important to the well-being of the child. Based on these findings, we know grandparents should usually be part of the grandchild’s life.
When separation does occur between grandparents and grandchildren, courts can step in. An Oklahoma attorney for grandparents can help you to show just how valuable your presence is in your grandchild’s life. Contact us today to learn more about how courts can help protect your valuable relationship with your grandchildren.
Why Grandparents Are Essential to Young Children
The University of Oxford completed a study that shows some key links to the role that grandparents play in the lives of young children. This large-scale study looked at how grandparents are involved in the upbringing of the child, as well as the role a grandparent plays in a child’s overall well-being.
We know from science, from personal experience and from common sense that grandparents can be invaluable assets to the upbringing of younger children. Grandparents today tend to work longer and live longer. Many are family-focused people, dedicated to values and principals refined through a lifetime of learning. With the rising number of single-parent families and those where both parents hold down full time jobs, grandparents’ roles can be of immeasurable importance in the day-to-day life of a child.
The Oxford study found that grandparents play a high-level role in the emotional and behavioral development of children. When grandparents are present, children have fewer emotional problems, and they are less likely to be involved in negative behavioral situations.
Grandparents involvement helps children in a number of ways. For example, they often help in the development of children’s problem-solving skills. When family disruption occurs, grandparents can become a stabilizing force for young people. In times of turmoil, including after loss of a parent, a grandparent can provide the material and emotional support, reducing the complications a child might encounter.
In short, we know that emotionally healthy grandparents contribute positively to the well-being and overall development of their grandchildren. The Oxford study shows just how important their role can be.
Unfortunately, some parents families refuse to let grandparents to establish or maintain meaningful relationships with grandchildren, especially in times of turmoil. Parents even limit access to grandparents out of spite or perhaps simply due to a lack of effective communication.
If you are a grandparent who has been unable to see or engage with your grandchild, you may feel lost and alone. You are not alone. Courts routinely recognize children’s right to see their grandparents after a divorce. Contact a grandparents rights attorney to learn how we can help protect your rights as a grandparent.
How to Exercise Your Rights as a Grandparents
While every situation is unique, when asked to reconcile a fractured family structure, Oklahoma courts favor a child’s ongoing relationships with family members. When a grandparent has played a role in the life of a young child, it can be harmful to the child and to the grandparent as well to have that support removed from the child’s life. When a grandparent is unable to interact or engage with a grandchild due to separation, divorce, conflict between parents or the loss of a parent, courts often step in to assure a healthy ongoing relationship between grandparents and grandchildren.
You may have legal options. In many situations, grandparents are afforded preferred status as prospective caregivers. Depending on the situation, that can mean grandparent visitation rights, grandparents as foster caregivers, grandparents taking custody of grandchildren or even grandparents adopting their grandchildren.
If you have the best intentions for your grandchild, but are unable to provide for their needs or play a role in their life because of their parents’ situation, you need to work with an Oklahoma grandparents’ rights attorney. Our legal team can help to show an Oklahoma family court how you would be a benefit to grandchild’s life.
Are You Fighting for Your Rights as a Grandparent?
The first place most grandparents turn to build a relationship with grandchildren is the grandchild’s parents. When that does not work out, a grandparents rights attorney can help you discover your options. Contact us today to discuss how an attorney for Oklahoma grandparents can . Our grandparents’ rights attorneys are available to you for a consultation. Call us at (918) 994-3323 today.